Beyond business


INNCH | Specials

We also turn our crea­tive energy into art pro­jects, music, lyrics or car­toons (mostly in Ger­man language).

Psychologie der Kreativität

Psychology of Creativity

Or study ➔ “Psy­cho­lo­gie der Krea­ti­vi­tät” for free download.

How does a flash of inspi­ra­tion actually come into the world? Ans­wers to these and other ques­ti­ons in our psy­cho­lo­gi­cal study, in which pro­fes­sio­nal crea­ti­ves from the artis­tic-design and tech­ni­cal-sci­en­ti­fic fields were inter­viewed in depth.

KUL-TICK - der Kultur- und Psychologie-Blog

Culture & Psychology

KUL-TICK Der Kul­tur & Psy­cho­lo­gie Blog is our per­so­nal blog.

Here we write since 2010 about our ever­y­day cul­ture — how it ticks today and its tics: With a cul­tu­ral-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and artis­tic eye, oddi­ties, con­spi­cuous­ness, but also sim­ply worth see­ing, hea­ring and rea­ding are treated.


Art & Music

We have our own web­site for our art and music pro­jects: ➔ Phae­no­ma­nie

There you will find “Umständ­li­che Kunst” — the Ger­man word “umständ­lich” means both ela­bo­rate, com­pli­ca­ted or awk­ward and ’show­ing the cir­cum­s­tances or con­di­ti­ons of some­thing’. “Umständ­li­che Kunst” is a new genre of art based on psy­cho­lo­gi­cal-artis­tic rese­arch of ever­y­day life and cul­ture. The art works are not only crea­ted awk­wardly, they also show the cir­cum­s­tances of things and of deal­ing with them.

Der Cartoon aus der Welt der Marktforschung


Wiss­bert, der Markt­for­scher is the car­toon hero from the world of mar­ket research.

He has been appearing in the print edi­tion of “planung&analyse”, the lea­ding maga­zine for mar­ket rese­arch and mar­ke­ting published by HORIZONT Medien, since 2016.