

INNCH | Konzept

Insight­Art® — our trans­di­sci­pli­nary rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment con­cept for inno­va­tion-led rese­arch and rese­arch-led innovation.

In the case of tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions, rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment takes place as a com­bi­ned pro­cess in R&D depart­ments. If crea­ti­ons are deve­lo­ped for indi­vi­dual cus­to­mers — e.g. an archi­tect designs a house for a cus­to­mer — no mar­ket rese­arch is neces­sary because the archi­tect hims­elf is in con­ver­sa­tion with his cus­to­mer and only needs to know her indi­vi­dual needs.

Deve­lo­ping inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons for lar­ger tar­get groups with whom you have no direct cont­act is more dif­fi­cult. Mar­ket rese­arch, which deter­mi­nes con­su­mer moti­ves, and pro­duct or com­mu­ni­ca­tion deve­lo­p­ment are dif­fe­rent spe­cia­li­zed depart­ments where direct inter­ac­tion is no lon­ger as easy as in direct cus­to­mer contact.

Insight­Art® brings the bene­fits of direct cus­to­mer cont­act back to the spe­cia­li­zed depart­ments — with a mind­set that brings rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment back tog­e­ther. Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal ana­ly­sis, UX and artis­tic rese­arch make it pos­si­ble to gain insights in the name of crea­tion. The con­so­li­da­tion of insights into a psy­cho­lo­gi­cal code and idea keys, in which the insights are inte­gra­ted into the crea­tion tools, give the crea­tion pro­cess a sta­ble psy­cho­lo­gi­cal foun­da­tion. This makes it pos­si­ble to create attrac­tive pro­ducts, smart solu­ti­ons and con­vin­cing com­mu­ni­ca­tion for consumers.

Inter­di­sci­pli­nary teams from all depart­ments invol­ved work tog­e­ther on rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in an ite­ra­tive and agile pro­cess. This means that many pro­blems at the inter­faces that are other­wise com­mon do not arise in the first place. Trial & error loops are minimized.

Innovation Tools

Insight­Art® is not a rigid method, but a mind­set that is trans­la­ted into an indi­vi­dual pro­cess design depen­ding on the task at hand. Various deve­lo­p­ment tools can be used for this:



The secret code of your mar­ket, your pro­duct area or your brand is decoded with depth-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal-crea­tive methods.


These can be deeper needs, moti­ves for use or design codes. They are iden­ti­fied, for exam­ple, in indi­vi­dual or group dis­cus­sions — using psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and prac­tice-inte­gra­ting methods such as phan­tom­scribb­ling, co-design or sound scribb­ling. They form the pivo­tal point for the inno­va­tion process.




We map the inno­va­tion space for you, the space of the pos­si­ble. It forms the search field for the most pro­mi­sing ideas.


Depen­ding on the task, the map con­ta­ins the rele­vant needs or posi­tio­ning direc­tions for your offers. It is an ori­en­ta­tion aid, inspi­ra­tion and eva­lua­tion matrix for the inno­va­tion and crea­tion process.




The manual sum­ma­ri­zes all the basics that are rele­vant to the deve­lo­p­ment process.


Here you will find all insights from InsightArt®research sys­te­ma­ti­cally pre­pared, as well as all stra­te­gies and sug­ges­ti­ons for the crea­tion pro­cess. For design deve­lo­p­ment, the manual also con­ta­ins mood boards and pro­to­ty­pi­cal design drafts.




Cha­rac­ters are ideal-typi­cal, sen­sual-visual repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of tar­get groups, life­styles, design styles, posi­tio­ning direc­tions or usage constitutions.


For tar­get groups these are e.g. per­so­nas, life­world col­la­ges and inte­rest clouds, or for design styles e.g. boards of colors, shapes, sym­bols etc.




Pro­per­ties are the equip­ment with which you start the inno­va­tion pro­cess. They con­tain the strengths and poten­ti­als of the com­pany, the cor­po­rate or brand image, skills, oppor­tu­ni­ties and heart­felt con­cerns of the employees.


We assume that inno­va­tions are only suc­cessful if they are based on the strengths of the com­pany and all those invol­ved stand behind the project.




In team­Labs (expe­ri­men­tal deve­lo­p­ment work­shops), ideas are deve­lo­ped in teams. They are desi­gned in such a way that par­ti­ci­pants can break away from the exis­ting, but the core task is always in focus.


The insights from InsightArt®research are alre­ady “built in” to the task and the crea­tive tools. The par­ti­ci­pants can con­cen­trate on the deve­lo­p­ment of ideas in a crea­tive and playful way.




In a kind of tool­box you receive the appro­priate idea keys, stra­te­gies and con­crete tech­ni­ques, usually as part of the work­shop concept.


Not stan­dard crea­tive tech­ni­ques, but ones that are spe­ci­fi­cally sel­ec­ted for the spe­ci­fic pro­ject and objec­tive, and in some cases rede­si­gned — the con­su­mer insights and pro­per­ties are woven into the tech­ni­ques in such a way that the ideas deve­lo­ped auto­ma­ti­cally go in the right direc­tion, even if not ever­yone on the team has had time to study the basics in depth.




The crea­tive pro­cess and the insights from the rese­arch are con­den­sed in pro­duct or design pro­to­ty­pes or stra­tegy concepts.


They pro­vide prac­ti­cal inspi­ra­tion for the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess. They are deve­lo­ped tog­e­ther in InsightArt®teamLabs on the basis of insights or in ite­ra­tive loops in an InsightArt®consumerLab directly with the tar­get group.




Even com­plex con­tent is con­veyed cle­arly with sound and moving images.


If you want to quickly get employees or coope­ra­tion part­ners on board, cine­ma­tic or inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­ti­ons pro­vide quick access to the state of deve­lo­p­ment. Ins­tead of get­ting lost in end­less Power­Point deserts, we design pre­sen­ta­tion forms that faci­li­tate the con­nec­tion to the project.


Applications & AI

“Eddi’s Jour­ney” shows where we work with the latest tech­no­logy at INNCH. This is more than just arti­fi­cial intelligence.

The video its­elf was crea­ted using a 3D pro­gram, pro­fes­sio­nal spe­cial effects tools and various AI tools. At the begin­ning of the film, “Eddi” is digi­tally assem­bled and then acts as a kind of guide through the various use cases. The tools used are lis­ted in the cre­dits. Turn on the sound: The sound­track is partly — from minute 01:08 as an exten­sion of a sepa­rate track — arti­fi­ci­ally gene­ra­ted. Have fun!


Practical Basics

Many years of crea­tive prac­tice from adver­ti­sing agen­cies, film pro­duc­tion and inter­ac­tive media.

Many years of prac­tice in qua­li­ta­tive-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal rese­arch: basics, trends, adver­ti­sing, pro­duct, etc.

Many years of expe­ri­ence in the imple­men­ta­tion of crea­tive workshops


Artis­tic thin­king and many years of artis­tic activity

Expe­ri­ence in the use of gene­ra­tive AI (espe­ci­ally image/film)

Expe­ri­ence in the field of vision deve­lo­p­ment and start-up consulting

Exten­sive prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence with crea­ti­vity tech­ni­ques (partly self-deve­lo­ped) and crea­ti­vity methods such as TRIZ, Design Thin­king, Crea­tive Pro­blem Sol­ving, etc.


Theoretical basics

Gestalt psy­cho­logy, ana­ly­ti­cal psy­cho­logy, cogni­tive psy­cho­logy, mor­pho­lo­gi­cal psy­cho­logy, neu­ro­psy­cho­logy, embo­di­ment and enactivism

Sen­sory / artis­tic / prac­tice-inte­gra­ting research

Design and inno­va­tion research


TRIZ (Theory of Inven­tive Pro­blem Solving)

Own design psychology

Own rese­arch results on crea­tive thinking

UX / CX design


The basis of our inno­va­tion work­shops is also a psy­cho­lo­gi­cal study we con­duc­ted our­sel­ves on crea­tive pro­ces­ses and crea­tive thin­king. You can down­load the study here as a PDF free of charge (in Ger­man language).


Phan­tom­scribb­ling: Sket­ches crea­ted in dia­lo­gue with con­su­mers (sen­sory rese­arch is part of InsightArt®research)