

INNCH | Über uns

Crea­tion and design meets mar­ket and adver­ti­sing psychology

As owners, we com­bine our expe­ri­ence in rese­arch and creation:

Monika Heimann is a spe­cia­list for crea­tion, inter­ac­tive media pro­ducts and con­cep­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of crea­tive work­shops. She ori­gi­nally comes from the field of con­cep­tual art worked for many years as an inter­ac­tive art direc­tor in adver­ti­sing agen­cies and in film production.

Michael Schütz is a spe­cia­list for qua­li­ta­tive depth psy­cho­lo­gi­cal cul­tu­ral, mar­ket and media rese­arch. He has worked for many years in manage­ment posi­ti­ons at the Rhein­gold Insti­tute in Cologne.

After 12 years of col­la­bo­ra­tion, we have con­cep­tually mer­ged our ways of see­ing and working and deve­lo­ped them into a stra­te­gic and con­su­mer-cen­tric crea­tive con­cept (➔ Insight­Art). The added value for you: You receive com­pe­tence and deca­des of prac­tice in rese­arch, pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment and crea­tion from a sin­gle source. As a small team, we can sup­port you per­so­nally and par­ti­cu­larly flexibly.


Monika Heimann

Native Crea­tive


Crea­tive direc­tion inter­ac­tive media/film, adver­ti­sing, design

Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal cul­ture and media rese­arch / rese­arch with methods of visual thinking

Crea­tive and inno­va­tion workshops

Con­cep­tual artist ➔ Phae­no­ma­nie, Car­too­nist ➔ Wiss­bert

Mem­ber of the Alumni Design Award Jury

Part­ner at INNCH since 2012

Over 25 years of expe­ri­ence as art and crea­tive direc­tor at or for Gum Studios/Tevox, BBDO inter­ac­tive, DOM, Tag­Traum Media, CreaTV

Cer­ti­fied mar­ke­ting, sales and pro­ject mana­ger, train the trainer

Stu­dies at the art aca­de­mies of Müns­ter and Düs­sel­dorf / ‘Meis­ter­schü­ler’ of fine arts

Addi­tio­nal stu­dies in art the­rapy and trai­ning in mor­pho­lo­gi­cal mar­ket and media research
+49 177 6432 659



Michael Schütz

Native Psycho


Psy­cho­lo­gist (Dipl.-Psych.), cul­tu­ral, mar­ket and adver­ti­sing psy­cho­lo­gist, depth psy­cho­lo­gi­cal mar­ket and media researcher

Over 25 years of expe­ri­ence in depth psy­cho­lo­gi­cal mar­ket and media rese­arch (inclu­ding 12 years at rhein­gold, most recently as Head of Busi­ness Group)

Foun­der of INNCH in July 2011

Exper­tise in depth, cogni­tive and Gestalt psy­cho­logy, qua­li­ta­tive methods, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal mor­pho­logy and UX research

Lec­ture­ships and expert acti­vi­ties at seve­ral Ger­man uni­ver­si­ties, most recently at the ISM (Inter­na­tio­nal School of Manage­ment) in the Master’s pro­gram Psy­cho­logy & Management

Regis­tered in the pro­fes­sio­nal roll of the ➔ BVM (Berufs­ver­band Deut­scher Markt- und Sozi­al­for­scher) and from 2018 to 2024 head of the ➔ Regio­nal­gruppe Köln-Bonn

Con­cep­tual music, sound design, composition/ film music

Stu­dies in psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Cologne
+49 176 6270 8846


Staff & Network

Basi­cally, we are per­so­nally invol­ved in all pro­jects and are per­ma­nent cont­act per­sons for our cus­to­mers. We lead the work­shops with you, deve­lop inno­va­tion or com­mu­ni­ca­tion stra­te­gies with you, create design pro­to­ty­pes or ani­ma­ted films and also con­duct some of the user inter­views ourselves.

We are sup­ported by a per­ma­nent team of free­lance senior con­sul­tants, spe­cia­lists from our net­work and coope­ra­tion part­ners from the fields of rese­arch and creation.


Marketing Club Köln Bonn
Wilhelm Salber Gesellschaft für Psychologische Morphologie
Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kreativität e.V.