The experts in psychological
research and creation

To research means to develop and to develop means to research
Together with you, we develop innovations, designs and strategic concepts that are both novel and consumer-centered.
To achieve this, we think and develop beyond the box — beyond all disciplines: Psychological research, problem-solving and strategic thinking and practical creation are one for us. The starting point for this is InsightArt®, a research and innovation concept we have developed over the last 12 years.
The InsightArt® process is similar to Design Thinking, but is based on sound psychological research, professional creation and an agile and interdisciplinary psychological-creative mindset.
With our InsightArt® Guides we accompany you according to your objectives

Development of products and services
Together with you, we “destroy” old thought patterns and develop product and offer ideas that are innovative and at the same time customer-centric.
By taking a deep look at people’s motives and using creative invention principles, we consciously leave behind old paths. This creates space for inspirations and ideas that are novel or even disruptive and at the same time hit the right nerve with consumers.
InsightArt®research uncovers the deeper needs ‘behind’ the superficial desires of consumers and provides the pivotal point for idea development, the “psychological code”.
A SWOT analysis and conversations with your employees reveals potentials and opportunities of your company and your team and connects the internal with the external view.
In an InsightArt®manual we map the possibility space and show the most promising innovation directions.
Ideas and prototypes on a high creative level are developed in InsightArt®teamLabs, among others by using professional creative strategies and generative AI. Prototypes are tested again on consumers if necessary.

Development of design and communication
We support you in the development of creative and at the same time strategy and target group conform designs for communication, packaging, product or store.
When designs optimally ‘dock’ with people’s psychological motives and inner visual worlds — their ideas, wishes or desires — they can achieve the communication goals and solve the relevant marketing tasks. Design-led research and research-led creation therefore link up right from the start.
In workshops or individual interviews with the target group, the relevant image motifs, stories, color spaces, keywords, etc. are determined as part of the depth-psychological exploration, using special psychological-design methods such as co-design or a visual trigger analysis, supported by the selective use of generative AI. From this, the relevant design code and the relevant search fields for the desired design are developed, if necessary supplemented by a design analysis of the competition.
An InsightArt®manual in “design language” contains all relevant design components as well as prototypical design drafts in addition to the psychological basics. It is inspiration for the development of the final designs: in collaborative InsightArt®teamLabs, in cooperation with your lead agency, external creatives and designers or directly from us. If required, they can be tested for final optimizations.

Development of strategic concepts for the future
We make cultural trends transparent and support you in developing scenarios and future concepts.
Concrete opportunities and risks can be uncovered and new business areas and strategies for your own company can be developed. Because despite all the uncertainty that the future holds, psychological needs are a reliable constant.
A psychological culture study related to your business sector is expanded with methods such as lifeworld collages, culture samples or science fiction narratives. Developments in the current world of consumers’ lives and imaginations can be understood in depth in this way. This is supplemented, for example, by utopias/dystopias or the creation of images of the future.
An InsightArt®manual “Trends” with probability evaluations for different future scenarios gives you inspiration in addition to more security for planning. Based on the scenarios, we develop innovative concepts for future business areas or the reorientation of existing ones for the future together with you in an InsightArt®teamLab.

Optimization/further development of concepts
We offer you a clear guideline and innovative concepts for brand and marketing strategies.
The focus can be on purchase and usage motives, target groups, customer XP, brand core and image, USP, positioning, purchase experiences and processes or communication and advertising media. In addition to deep psychological exploration, methods such as the design of a ‘brand village’ or story and sound scribbling are used for this purpose.
InsightArt®research is always implementation-oriented. On your wish, we develop concrete prototypical marketing concepts from the results, which can be directly implemented in measures, e.g. for repositioning or sharpening the brand, gaining new customers or retaining existing customers. They can also be developed in InsightArt®teamLabs. If required, the findings and concepts can also be specifically prepared for internal communication.
Procedure and tools used are individually adapted for each task. Of course, you can also mix all modules, or carry them out individually with us.
Our book on design psychology
New and revised edition expected in September 2025

Monika Heimann, Michael Schütz:
Wie Design wirkt. Psychologische Prinzipien erfolgreicher Gestaltung
(Rheinwerk Design, 2017, 623 pages)
“A successful reference book for the media designer”
(Akademie Druck+Medien Nord-West)
After selling 14,000 copies, the book has recently been sold out (only available as an e‑book). We are currently working on a completely revised second edition, which is expected to be published by Rheinwerk Design in spring 2025.
InsightArt® Design Guide on video
(English subtitles)
Project examples (anonymized)
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