The experts in psychological

research and creation

INNCH | innovation guided by research


To rese­arch means to deve­lop and to deve­lop means to research

Tog­e­ther with you, we deve­lop inno­va­tions, designs and stra­te­gic con­cepts that are both novel and consumer-centered.

To achieve this, we think and deve­lop bey­ond the box — bey­ond all disci­pli­nes: Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal rese­arch, pro­blem-sol­ving and stra­te­gic thin­king and prac­ti­cal crea­tion are one for us. The basis for this is the Insight­Art® mind­set, an agile and inter­di­sci­pli­nary rese­arch and inno­va­tion con­cept we have deve­lo­ped over the last 12 years.

With our InsightArt® Guides we accompany you according to your objectives

Innovation Guide

Development of products and services


Tog­e­ther with you, we “des­troy” old thought pat­terns and deve­lop pro­duct and offer ideas that are inno­va­tive and at the same time customer-centric.

By taking a deep look at people’s moti­ves and using crea­tive inven­tion prin­ci­ples, we con­sciously leave behind old paths. This crea­tes space for inspi­ra­ti­ons and ideas that are novel or even dis­rup­tive and at the same time hit the right nerve with consumers.

InsightArt®research unco­vers the deeper needs ‘behind’ the super­fi­cial desi­res of con­su­mers and pro­vi­des the pivo­tal point for idea deve­lo­p­ment, the “psy­cho­lo­gi­cal code”.

A SWOT ana­ly­sis and con­ver­sa­ti­ons with your employees reve­als poten­ti­als and oppor­tu­ni­ties of your com­pany and your team and con­nects the inter­nal with the exter­nal view.

In an InsightArt®manual we map the pos­si­bi­lity space and show the most pro­mi­sing inno­va­tion directions.

Ideas and pro­to­ty­pes on a high crea­tive level are deve­lo­ped in InsightArt®teamLabs, among others by using pro­fes­sio­nal crea­tive stra­te­gies. Pro­to­ty­pes are tes­ted again on con­su­mers if necessary.


Design Guide

Development of design and communication


We sup­port you in the deve­lo­p­ment of crea­tive and at the same time stra­tegy and tar­get group con­form designs for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, pack­a­ging, pro­duct or store.

When designs opti­mally ‘dock’ with people’s psy­cho­lo­gi­cal moti­ves and inner visual worlds — their ideas, wis­hes or desi­res — they can achieve the com­mu­ni­ca­tion goals and solve the rele­vant mar­ke­ting tasks. Design-led rese­arch and rese­arch-led crea­tion the­r­e­fore link up right from the start.

In work­shops or indi­vi­dual inter­views with the tar­get group, the rele­vant image motifs, sto­ries, color spaces, key­words, etc. are deter­mi­ned as part of the depth-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal explo­ra­tion, using spe­cial psy­cho­lo­gi­cal-design methods such as co-design or a visual trig­ger ana­ly­sis. From this, the rele­vant design code and the rele­vant search fields for the desi­red design are deve­lo­ped, if neces­sary sup­ple­men­ted by a design ana­ly­sis of the competition.

An InsightArt®manual in “design lan­guage” con­ta­ins all rele­vant design com­pon­ents as well as pro­to­ty­pi­cal design drafts in addi­tion to the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal basics. It is inspi­ra­tion for the deve­lo­p­ment of the final designs: in col­la­bo­ra­tive InsightArt®teamLabs, in coope­ra­tion with your lead agency, exter­nal crea­ti­ves and desi­gners or directly from us. If requi­red, they can be tes­ted for final optimizations.


Future Guide

Development of strategic concepts for the future


We make cul­tu­ral trends trans­pa­rent and sup­port you in deve­lo­ping sce­na­rios and future concepts.

Con­crete oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks can be unco­vered and new busi­ness areas and stra­te­gies for your own com­pany can be deve­lo­ped. Because despite all the uncer­tainty that the future holds, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal needs are a relia­ble constant.

A psy­cho­lo­gi­cal cul­ture study rela­ted to your busi­ness sec­tor is expan­ded with methods such as life­world col­la­ges, cul­ture samples or sci­ence fic­tion nar­ra­ti­ves. Deve­lo­p­ments in the cur­rent world of con­su­mers’ lives and ima­gi­na­ti­ons can be unders­tood in depth in this way. This is sup­ple­men­ted, for exam­ple, by utopias/dystopias or the crea­tion of images of the future.

An InsightArt®manual “Trends” with pro­ba­bi­lity eva­lua­tions for dif­fe­rent future sce­na­rios gives you inspi­ra­tion in addi­tion to more secu­rity for plan­ning. Based on the sce­na­rios, we deve­lop inno­va­tive con­cepts for future busi­ness areas or the reo­ri­en­ta­tion of exis­ting ones for the future tog­e­ther with you in an InsightArt®teamLab.


Concept Guide

Optimization/further development of concepts


We offer you a clear gui­de­line and inno­va­tive con­cepts for brand and mar­ke­ting strategies.

The focus can be on purchase and usage moti­ves, tar­get groups, cus­to­mer XP, brand core and image, USP, posi­tio­ning, purchase expe­ri­en­ces and pro­ces­ses or com­mu­ni­ca­tion and adver­ti­sing media. In addi­tion to deep psy­cho­lo­gi­cal explo­ra­tion, methods such as the design of a ‘brand vil­lage’ or story and sound scribb­ling are used for this purpose.

InsightArt®research is always imple­men­ta­tion-ori­en­ted. On your wish, we deve­lop con­crete pro­to­ty­pi­cal mar­ke­ting con­cepts from the results, which can be directly imple­men­ted in mea­su­res, e.g. for repo­si­tio­ning or shar­pe­ning the brand, gai­ning new cus­to­mers or retai­ning exis­ting cus­to­mers. They can also be deve­lo­ped in InsightArt®teamLabs. If requi­red, the fin­dings and con­cepts can also be spe­ci­fi­cally pre­pared for inter­nal communication.


The pro­ce­dure and the tools used are indi­vi­du­ally adapted for each task. Of course, you can also mix all modu­les or carry them out indi­vi­du­ally with us.

Our book on design psychology

Wie Design wirkt

Monika Heimann, Michael Schütz:
Wie Design wirkt. Psy­cho­lo­gi­sche Prin­zi­pien erfolg­rei­cher Gestaltung
(Rhein­werk Design, 2017, 623 pages)

“A suc­cessful refe­rence book for the media designer”
(Aka­de­mie Druck+Medien Nord-West)


A book about Maluma and Takete, Apollo and Dio­ny­sus, and the wry smile of the Mona Lisa, about life and death, light and shadow, exci­ting arcs, gol­den cuts and for­bidden signs, arche­ty­pes, strong brands and weak images, but also kitsch and trash, and an omi­nous Palin­tro­pos Har­mo­nia and lots of gin­ger­b­read hearts. In other words, ever­y­thing desi­gners need. Well-foun­ded and practical.


➔ Book at the publisher

➔ Book at Amazon

➔ Rea­ding sam­ple (PDF)

InsightArt® Design Guide on video

(Eng­lish subtitles)

Design Guide (Eng­lish subtitles)

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Project examples (anonymized)

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Innovation Guide

Design Guide

Future Guide

Design Guide

Concept Guide

Innovation Guide